Some of my work on behalf of research institutions and professional societies
Weill Cornell Medicine
Caught on Camera SUMMER 2023
The Search for a Cure FALL 2022
Weill Cornell Medicine Receives NIH Grant to Improve HIV-Related Cancer Care Abroad 01.30.23
New Theory Explains Recovery Delays in COVID-19 and Cardiac Patients 11.07.2022
Hopkins Medicine Magazine (Johns Hopkins)
Everyday Ethics SPRING/SUMMER 2023
American Chemical Society
Detecting Risk of Metastatic Prostate Cancer in Black Men 08.15.2023
Treating Back to School Ear Infections Without Antibiotic Resistance 08.15.2023
Sponges, Not Just Their Microbes, Make Biologically Potent Compounds 03.22.2022
Stimulating the Sense of Touch with Chemistry 03.23.2022
Marine Biological Laboratory
Chemical Weapons May Not Protect Antarctic Seafloor Animals 11.17.2022
Masters of Acclimation: Octopuses Adjust to Cold by Editing Their RNA 06.08.2023
Powerful Gene Editing Approach Boosts Rotifers in Pantheon of Laboratory Animals 08.02.2023
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
DNA Typewriter Taps Out a Record Within Cells 07.08.2022
How Some Gut Microbes Awaken Zombie Viruses in Their Neighbors 02.23.2022
Brain Computer Interface Turns Mental Handwriting into Text on Screen 05.12.2021
SARS-CoV-2 Needs Cholesterol to Invade Cells 01.21.2021
Florida Atlantic University
Cavefish: Out of the Dark, into the Limelight SPRING 2020
Faces of Addiction SPRING 2019
BANNER IMAGE: close-up of Botryllus, a marine tunicate. CREDIT: MBL Science Journalism Fellowship/Biomedical